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"Well, there you have it miss. Guess we're not getting a confession today either."

Welcome to the page of Ren Ichimoku


Ren is usually relaxed in personality. Most of the times, he has a smile on his face. He also seems to like joking around from time to time. He is usually the first to react to an unacceptable behaviour from any human being, and is usually more concerned for the good clients than the other companions of Ai. He has even taken a liking to some clients to such levels that he personally feels for them, and has even thought of interfering in a case once. This implies that he has a good sense of justice and kindness. These senses in turn clashes with his duties, as the duties are usually of a nature that even does injustice to provide the service. Like the other companions of Ai, he is very obedient of Ai's orders. Ren has apparently grown quite fond of his human form over the years, and has even been shown displaying vanity a few times. He seems to like all of the companions of Ai, and Ai herself, but seems to dislike Kikuri most of the times. When asked by Hone Onna about what he thinks of her and Wanyuudou as, he softly replied that he thinks of them as a family, though the others couldn't hear him say that. This means that he feels he has grown a strong bond with others for the first time in his life. Despite this, he usually stays alone and detached even when he has the opportunity to be with the other companions.

Ren often doesn't understand some of the actions of human. This is because he thinks logic is supposed to be present in any action, which is true, and so gets confused when he sees that someone is acting in an illogical or unacceptable way. He often thinks about a lot of things, including human behaviour, and matters from his past from time to time. When he first met Ai, she said that he was searching for something, to which he replied that he indeed was. He also asked if he will find it by being with Ai, to which Ai replied that whether he will find it or not depends on him. But he never specified what it is that he is searching for, and from what it seems like, he didn't even know it himself.

Rules of your stay here
1. No you may not have my name I bought it fair and square
2. No I will not date you, I have a girlfriend thank you very much
3. No I will not cyber with you, that's just gross
4. No I will not buy you this/do your hp this way/give you credits.
5. No I will not accept a random friend request, have the decency to get to know me first thank you.
6. No I will not accept a random chat invite I am in DnD or Friends only to avoid people I do not know.
7. If you leave a message, I will leave a return message
8. If your page is on 'Private' I will not visit your page.
9. If I did not return your message it stands to reason only 'friends' can send you messages and no I will not send a friend request just to reply to a message

My Mistress


She's just made my life so much better. I don't know what I would do if she ever had to leave me or ever decided to leave me. She's somehow become my world... every character I play... She becomes their partner without any question. I love her with all my heart.

W e l c o m e . T o . R e n ' s . P a g e.

♫ ♥ ~Ichimoku Ren~ ♥ ♫

First Name: Ren
Last Name: Ichimoku
Status: A Protector

My Mistress:Ai


Thank you very much for your visit, hope you enjoyed your stay.
