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Lets start off with, I am a good person. Those who know me, know that i am good and honest. I play on IMVU for fun, not for anything else. Been through too much. I always enjoy having a good time and making friends. If you are someone that is not a good person, i will most likely not be friends with you. Or, if you hide it, i will eventually find out and just not be friends. I have high standards you see, and i dont put up with evil, cruel, sorry excuses for human beings. I dont want that in my life, and i dont see why someone would want to even exist that way. Poor pitiful lowly person that they are. On the brighter side of things now, my BFF is Roxie! We are twins of the heart! We two have our subtle differences, but most of the time we have the same mind. She is a true person and i could never have found better. If i hurt, she maims. If she hurts, i destroy. Its that simple. She only ever wants the best for people and things as well as i do myself. We are a great duo! The things i do on IMVU. I like to RP on the mild side. And i love to DJ. As far as RP goes, i have RPed most of my internet life since i was 9 years old. And yes my profile card info is accurate. You do the math. Since years later and newer people joining every day, the rules have twisted and the story lines have become old and tacky. Not to mention over-killed. Its because of everyone ruining it, that i simply stick to the mild side. I don't RP hardcore as i once did as it is not enjoyable with these "Try-Hards". If it isnt for fun, or for a great story, then its not RP. Its a power trip or a sexual endeavor. I was in it to actually play the role. I never worry about online romance. For one, i dont trust a single one of you. Too many knives in the back from people i thought were worth something. Turns out there were mere wastes of human life using new ways to get at good people. Just because its their fault their life sucks, doesnt mean they should stab others in the heart from behind. However, all that being said, If i happen to be in an RP that calls for it then of course i will naturally play the part. All this meaning, what happens on IMVU stays there. I have an iron will. Once i have made my mind up, there is no changing it. Whether that be to cut someone from my life, or keep them. I choose. And i dont regret.
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